Welcoming in the Fall Season in our Home

As the temperatures begin to dip and the fall weather begins, I always ready the house for the change in season. I love making everything cozy, and helping my family feel excited for the upcoming holidays and fun events. The fall season really kicks off the big holidays of the year and so I feel that my excitements sets the tone for everything to come! Here is some of what I do to set the mood:


-New fall candles: You know I am a big fan of pumpkin, spicy, and cinnamon candles to make the house feel warm and welcoming. I have found a great one at Target recently, called “Cider and Cinnamon” and I might have bought a couple! They are perfect and affordable for the whole house and especially look great in the guest bathroom to greet anyone you have over.

-Cozy blankets: Nothing feels cozier than fall blankets on the couch! I like to wash and dry lots of fluffy blankets and store them in pretty baskets around the house. That way they are ready for anyone who wants to cuddle up and watch a movie or drink a cup of tea. If you are looking for good washable throws, I recommend Threshold’s line at Target or the Rachel Roy line at Marshalls. They are usually under $50 and they wash and dry perfectly while holding their shape.

-A good new recipe: Pumpkin can become a bit overdone in the fall but it does make for a wonderful breakfast loaf. I love making pumpkin bread from a mix or from scratch, and adding a cinnamon sugar topping to make it feel a little more upscale. Trader Joes makes one of the best mixes on the market, and you can whip some up very quickly for any guests in your home.

I love saying hello to fall, and preparing for the all the fun ahead!

Back to School Command Center

We have all experienced that back to school hustle in the mornings, that leaves us all feeling a little frazzled. It’s hard not to feel behind from the moment we wake up, because most families are going in ten different directions during the day. Easing from the fun of summer to the more structured days of the school year can be hard. It’s a good idea to set up a family command center as the school year begins, and you may have seen something similar on Pinterest or other decor sites. While the idea of a command center is nice, sometimes they are not very aesthetically pleasing. Here are our best ideas for setting up a command center that’s also beautiful to look at:

Source: Pexels.com

Start with a beautiful calendar: There are so many more options than there used to be, and you don’t have to use a cork board style or boring paper calendar anymore. Begin with a calendar that you love, and build your command center style around that. We love the new, modern glass calendars that you can use write on/wipe off style markers on. It’s sleek and pretty.

Add in storage: We recommend sticking with a similar color tone for your storage. Some ideas include baskets, hooks, pen holders, and bins. Good neutral colors include taupe, cream, white, or black. Using similar tones for these items keeps everything looking cohesive. If you want something a little more upscale, natural colored wood also lends a nice texture to your space. Use hooks to hold things like backpacks, purses, or tote bags. It is also a good idea to have a little area for your keys or mail, since many people use a command center space to house these things, too.

Finish the space by showing your family how to use it: If you have little ones, it’s good to show them where things go, especially if you’re trying to utilize it to keep everyone organized. Show them where to hang their backpacks, coats, or put sorted mail or homework. Ideally, your family will also use this dedicated area to set out things that are needed for the next day, like sports uniforms or books to return, etc.

Tips for Decluttering Before the School Year

As every school year begins, I want to do a big purge of my house. It is nice to get anything we don’t need out of our spaces before the hustle and bustle of school starts (and all the paperwork, backpacks, shoes, and stuff comes piling in!). It gives us more space to mentally “breathe”. Here are some tips as we head into the fall to give you a head start on de-cluttering.


  1. Get the kids involved. I know, it sounds like it will take even longer with kids helping, but if your children are older than 5, they can help! They can also be more invested in keeping their own spaces clean and clutter-free if they feel involved in the process. Some jobs you can give older kids include: cleaning out trash cans and replacing trash bags, packing up donations for Goodwill, sorting out their stuffed animals, or folding clothes.

  2. Don’t forget to change out the seasonal clothes: One thing that is really helpful when organizing is to rotate out clothes for the upcoming season. It means there is less clothing in the closets and dressers, and therefore less to keep tidy. Large or bulky items like hats and ski coats can be stored in large plastic totes in the garage, and then you can put warm weather items in the totes (think swimsuits, beach bags, sun hats) on the opposite season.

  3. Go through the school supplies and art materials: Since your kiddos will likely be getting new school supplies, it’s good to take stock of what you already have at home, too. Watercolors, crayons, colored pencils, construction paper, and acrylic paints can dry out and break. We recommend tossing any broken or dried-out supplies, and sorting them into an art caddy or plastic drawers, and replacing what’s missing as needed.

  4. Tackle any space that makes you feel overwhelmed: Often, messes or too much clutter can impact our mental health and cause anxiety or overwhelmed feelings. Think of the spaces that feel most stressful to you (an overflowing spice cupboard, a corner that has tons of paperwork or mail, or a kid’s closet that’s bursting at the seams), and set aside a day or two to get it done. You’ll be surprised with how good that makes you feel!

Creating a Workspace that Works for You

With many of us working from home or doing some of our work remotely, it’s nice to create a dedicated space that’s not the dining room table or surrounded by piles of laundry! Here are some of our tips for finding and creating a space for work that brings you peace and serenity:


-Assess your needs: Decide how much time you will be spending in your workspace. If it will be your primary workspace, you’ll want a little more space and dedicated area than if you only work at it once a week. If you are tight on space, consider non-traditional spaces like your dining room, master bedroom, or an unused closet. Check your existing furniture to see if there’s anything you can repurpose (like a desk, entry table, or chairs), and make a list of what’s needed.

-Go shopping: If you’re needing a custom size or shape, Ikea is a great idea for customizable sizing and desks. Some of their tabletop surfaces and table legs are interchangeable so you can mix and match them to suit your decor. Although they’re not the highest quality, it can work well for spaces like closets or alcoves where the space is uniquely shaped. If your budget is a bit wider, consider having a custom desk or table built, or search places like West Elm for well-made and beautiful pieces that can you can enjoy for years to come. We love this Mid-century beauty!

-Add in clever storage solutions: Nothing is worse than tons of jumbled cords, but if you’re working remotely or with lots of tech products, you’ll want one of these cool cord hiding boxes. Don’t forget a pen holder, a pretty calendar, and a file holder if you’re dealing with paperwork. We love this gorgeous organizer from Pottery Barn. For a more elevated look, consider raising your computer monitor up with a platform that creates more space and looks a bit more modern.

-Lastly, add aesthetic details: You’ll want your space to reflect your personal style, so don’t forget added details like candles, plants, or pretty photo frames! Hobby Lobby is a great spot for more trendy pieces that you may want to swap out within the next year or so, but if you’re looking for higher quality, Studio McGee’s regular collection is wonderful as well.

If you need help designing the space you’ll love, please reach out to us! We can schedule a design consult at your convenience!

Gorgeous Laundry Storage Ideas 

You’ve probably seen all the “restocking” tik-toks and reels lately, and we have found them to be pretty fun! There’s nothing we love more than bringing beauty to simple space within the home, and making things efficient is even better. 


Clear jars:

You can use large, pretty clear jars with lids for things like detergent pods, scent boosters, or powder detergent. We love the look of these ones, with wooden lids, for something a little more elegant. Display them on shelving or make the cupboards above your washer/dryer open shelving. We recommend buying at least two, so they look cohesive. 

Containers for dryer sheets: 

Dryer sheets are something most of us use on a daily basis, and yet, those ugly cardboard boxed aren’t exactly aesthetically pleasing. You can use a clear box with a wooden lid, like this one, for a much more neutral look. If you don’t use dryer sheets, you can also use a similar box for the wool dryer balls. 

Elegant laundry hamper: 

If you keep hampers in your laundry room, you can use one that’s a little more neutral/textured. If you end up using these more frequently in bedrooms throughout the house, they also look nice with nearly any type of decor. When it comes to traditional baskets for carting laundry to be folded, check these out, which are super handy. 

Small space shelf:

If you are someone who doesn’t have a ton of space available in a smaller laundry room, adding a plain white rolling shelf can be a great way to expand your storage space and give you a place to put clear jars or boxes. It can also be wheeled around or into the garage if you need. 

Trends for Spring 2022

Source: Pexels.com

As we move out of winter, I always enjoy looking at the trends for spring, and brainstorming how to incorporate them into everyday looks. As I peruse the latest design publications and websites, I always find myself inspired, and ready to bring in some new themes or ideas into the work that I do. Here are some of my favorite new spring-inspired looks:

-Colorful and bright dishes and tableware: I noticed this on CocoCozy, and I loved the bright pops of color. Although I veer towards more European style neutrals in most of my design work, I love when a client wants a bit of color. I was thinking about ways you could bring in some little bits of color, and I love the idea of making your kid’s tableware or outdoor dishes the brighter pieces. They are less expensive than daily tableware, and you can test out the trend before investing in high-end pieces. I love these simple kid’s plates from West Elm, to start with. 

-Darker kitchens: I don’t think that the classic white kitchen will ever go out of style, but I’m noticing quite a bit of trends that favor darker colors like forest green, black, and charcoal grey, with tons of texture like granite, leather, and iron accents. Although the darker cabinets or accent walls have been around for a few years, the textures are what primarily sets apart the newer trends. This article from Southern Living talks a bit about the darker trends, and we love it.

-Sustainable decor brands: Many sustainable brands are on the rise, and we love the ethics and ideals behind choosing products and brands that are better for the environment and the workers who make the products. So, who makes a products sustainable? Usually, they are items made by companies who value their workers (with living wages, and ethical working conditions); with some being fair trade certified.  Additionally, these companies are usually using non-toxic, green, or recycled materials. One of our favorites is Shades of Green (which is perfect if you’re just starting out with learning about sustainable brands), and their beeswax candles are amazing! 

What’s your favorite trend for springtime? I always love to hear about what my clients are loving and feeling inspired by!

Neutral Frames for Photos and Artwork 

Finding great photo frames can be challenging, especially with so many options online and in-person. You want something quality, but not overly expensive, and that looks right in the space you’re decorating. Here are some beautiful, neutral options if you are looking to frame any artwork or photos:

Source: Pexels.com

  1. West Elm Wheat Gallery Frames: These ones are the ultimate low-profile and simple frame with quite bit of negative space. They range from $35-$375, depending on size, and the mats that you choose. We love them for black and white photos, or very simple artwork.

  2. Terrace Floating Frames from West Elm: Another beautiful, very simple choice for an impactful wall without a lot of distracting elements. We love the way that they feature glass instead of a mat, and they look best in a more modern or mid century style.

  3. Pottery Barn Plain Wood Frame: This simple, beautiful option is under $50, and comes in a very universally useful 11x17” size. You can use these in a hallway, above a couch, or grouped with other items. As always, Pottery Barn is quality, and these frames have really nice seams and joints so they look more smooth.

  4. Mid-tone Neutral Frames from Target: If you are looking for something more affordable for a child’s room or a more temporary space where you may change things up more quickly, then Target can be a great option. These have particle board seams and a few staples on the backs, but they will give you a year or two, and they do hang nicely on the wall, so for under $20, it’s a good choice!

  5. Pottery Barn Gallery Set: This option is perfect if you have an area in your house that needs a small gallery that matches, such as over a mantle or in a hallway section. It includes three sizes, and is just over $120 for all three, so it’s relatively better quality for a longer-term display.

Neutral frames are a beautiful way to dress up areas of your home with a modern and stylish touch. If you want to find some great artwork to frame, consider checking out Minted.com, which has artwork by lesser-known new artists who are super talented! 

Ways Today’s Brides Now Thrive While Wedding Planning

Have you seen those little Facebook memes going around? They show a “before and after” photo, separated by ten years. I was reflecting recently on the last decade, and realizing how much things have changed for the amazing brides planning their wedding days. Here’s some of the (positive) ways that things are different these days than just a decade ago:

-Brides are a bit more focused on close relationships. Studies show that brides are having smaller ceremonies, and focusing on having the people who mean the most to them present at their big day. Because of this, many brides are splurging on more lavish ceremonies, but with less guests. This is actually so smart, because you can have the day you’ve dreamed of, and the people there who mean the most to you! Years ago, it was about having massive ceremonies, and often that meant skipping out on some amenities you dreamed of…not anymore!

-Brides know who they are: Many brides are focused (now more than ever) on showing off their personalities in their florals, or their wedding party outfits. Whether it’s non-traditional wedding dress colors (like a pretty blush hue or even a dark navy!), or choosing things like succulents or butterflies in your bouquet, today’s bride knows it’s less about trends, and more about what makes THEM happy! 

-Brides value their mental health: With the rise in mental health support and resources, many brides have realized that their mental health really does matter! Instead of the old “bridezilla” stereotype, today’s brides-to-be are better at setting boundaries, speaking up, and making their wedding planning a joy, instead of a burden. Many have also opted to hire planners and designers (like me!) to keep their sanity intact.

I love seeing how trends and ideas have changed over the past decade, and love working with all my amazing brides. I’d love to work with you, if you are planning your big day, and help bring your vision to life!

Healthy Habits and Self Care 

With the arrival of a brand-new year, many of us are making resolutions for better habits. I am all about making healthy changes, and over the years, have found that it’s more about making small changes that are realistic rather than drastic things I don’t maintain. I have noticed many people are focused on self-care in their new year resolutions, which makes sense, with the last few years being pretty hard for most of the country! Here are some of our favorite healthy habits/self-care changes:

Source: Pexels.com

-Reading more books and less screen time; I have been enjoying plenty of non-fiction reads this year, and always find myself inspired by biographies and stories of people doing heroic things. I also love the idea of reading off of a screen and holding real, paper books this year. There is something therapeutic about old-fashioned reading. 

-Drinking more water: I make this resolution about every year, but I have found I am more likely to keep it when I have a super cute, accessible tumbler around the house. Of course, I always opt for something a bit more stylish, since it’s sitting on my counter or in my car. I have seen tons of influencers promoting the Stanley 40 ounce Adventurer Tumbler, and I love it! If you want something a little more affordable to ease yourself into such a big cup (it is definitely on the larger side), here is a great Amazon option. 

-Moving my body: I always feel much better when I’m getting Vitamin D and moving my body, so I’ve invested in great wireless headphones. Of course, there are the standbys (AirPods), but I have really liked the Beats wireless pros, too. They have an over-the-ear loop for when you’re exercising or doing activities like painting or cleaning (no one wants to drop an AirPod in the sink on accident!). 

-Making my space beautiful: As an interior designer, I always center my personal designs around feelings of relaxation and peace, and the way they make me feel. Investing in things like candles, bath decor and bath bombs, lofty towels, and beautiful linens, can be an investment in my own self-care. When I design my own home spaces, I believe they should feel welcoming and bring me joy!

I am enjoying making new habits and routines this year, and would love to help you refresh your own space. Reach out today to schedule your own design consultation!

Color of the Year 2022

I always love looking up the Pantone color of the year, to get some fresh inspiration. This year, it’s a punchy purple, with pretty undertones of red. This is definitely bolder than what I typically use in many of my designs, but I loved thinking about how I could incorporate it for a modern look. Purple can be a really tricky color to bring into neutral, beautiful interiors, but it’s also fun, youthful and current. Here’s some cool lavender and purple tones that I’m loving (for a more polished look):

Source: Pexels.com

Billie Amethyst Cocktail Glass: Okay, how gorgeous are these smoky lavender cocktail cups? They are sturdy, beautiful, and only about $11 per glass. They are made for old-fashions, but they can hold any cocktail (you can even glam up your plain ole’ water!). Crate and Barrel never disappoints, and the reviews say that the cups are just as durable as their regular glassware. 

Purple Le Creuset Dutch Oven: While we are on the topic of Crate and Barrel…Obviously, this beautiful dutch oven is made to last, and the hefty price tag reflects that. However, this brand lasts for years and years, and can even be passed down to the next generation, so it’s well worth it if you love to cook. This deep purple color would look striking on a Thanksgiving or holiday tablescape, or just to add some dimension and fun to your kitchenware. 

Cadence Handwoven Rug: This Pottery Barn rug features a barely-there lavender hue that’s ultra subtle and elegant. This would be lovely in a dining room or living area, and would look great with lighter wood and white/cream accents. When choosing a rug, be sure to take into account the size of the room and your furnishings, as many people often choose a rug that’s too small for the space…you don’t want a postage-stamp effect happening in your home!

Agate Coaster from Anthropologie: If you want a little tiny touch of a lavender tone, coasters, candles, or throws are a great way to test it out and see how it fits into your space. This similar to how clothing designers tell clients to try out a statement piece of a lesser-known brand first before investing in an expensive designer piece…it’s because you want to know it’s beloved before you invest a large amount into it. A little bit of color is also a nice way to change decor between seasons, too!

I always love exploring new colors and trends, even though I have a signature style. It keeps me feeling inspired and excited about what I do. If you’ve been wanting to try a new color or trend, and need guidance about how to make it work with your home or personal taste, I’d love to consult with you. You can book with me by clicking the “contact” tab! 

Why Hire a Professional for a Renovation or Interior Design

Source: Pexels.com

Hiring a professional designer is something many people think is a luxury, and comes with a luxury price tag. While it’s definitely something that can’t be done every quarter for many people, it is actually quite attainable for almost every budget. As an interior designer, I often meet with people who think they could “never” afford my services, but they find out that the service is truly invaluable. 

-For many people, interior design is abstract and challenging: When you hire a professional, you are getting their experience, time, and eye for your space. Making all of the decisions alone can feel very overwhelming for someone who isn’t naturally inclined to design, and can leave lots of people feeling like giving up at the process. This leads to letting rooms or spaces sit for months or even years, without any progress! I totally know that it’s not the job for everyone, and that’s why there are people like me :) 

-Hiring a professional means you will actually utilize your budget in the best way. A professional designer knows where to invest in amazing pieces, paint, or hardware, so that you get the most bang for your buck. Rather than splurging on things that don’t matter, an experienced designer knows where your money will be best spent, and how to get you the look you truly want. They also know which things to cut out or add in to achieve the maximum impact. 

-Hiring a professional saves you time: If you’re a working parent, you know how valuable your time is. Hiring someone to do something time intensive, such as interior design or renovations, is actually a great way to do things “smarter not harder”! Budget for it, save, and rest assured knowing that you are giving yourself the gift of time by asking someone else to do something that is not in your own wheelhouse. Hiring someone you trust, with experience, will also get the process done much faster than you trying on your own with limited time and resources! 

As a professional designer and event planner, I love helping my clients recognize the value in hiring a creator and professional! Many clients are surprised and pleased at how easy the process is, and how grateful they are (and wish they had done it sooner!). Let’s get started today, just contact us under the contact tab!

Christmas Morning Cozy

Christmas morning is something that we all look forward to, but maybe no one as much as us moms (and dads). We love seeing the faces of our children or our loved ones light up as they unwrap gifts and gather together. It is a special moment that I wouldn’t trade for anything! But over the years, I have learned how to streamline and simplify our Christmas decor and the way the morning unfolds, in order to be present in the moment. Here are some of my best tips: 

Source: Pexels.com

-Do a breakfast or brunch prep the night before: Of course we all love fresh cinnamon rolls or eggs and fruit, but many of these things can be prepped early on. I recommend cutting any fresh fruit (except bananas) the night before and putting it in a glass snap top container. Add a few drops of lemon juice to prevent any browning, and slice the bananas the morning of, which will keep them from getting soggy in the dish. For yeast or cinnamon rolls, they are easy to do the night before with just the dough or prepped in a glass pyrex, and bake them the morning of so they’re fresh and warm! Even raw eggs can be mixed with chopped veggies, cheese, and heavy cream, and put in a Tupperware overnight to be turned into an easy scramble in the morning. 

-Move a trash can into the general gift-opening area, along with scissors! You will be able to really enjoy the gift-opening if you aren’t having to hop up and down a million times to get the things you may need. Of course, you don’t want a trashcan in all your pretty photos, so either use a little basket or tote, or move it out of the frame :) 

-Set your table to be the place to gather after or before gift openings: The more comfortable your guests feel, the longer they will linger, and you will get the easy, beautiful and restful morning you long for! I like to layer my table with lots of different textures, and linens that are washable if little ones are going to be dining with us. That way, you don’t need to worry about things being too ‘fancy’ to enjoy. Opt for neutrals, and leave enough space for people to move around and chat. Always have an extra place setting set aside, in case an unexpected guest arrives and needs a place to sit! 

-Cue up the playlist: Have friends and family put together some of their favorite holiday tunes before the big day, and put them into a super fun playlist! Have it ready to roll (and put it on repeat) before the festivities get underway, and set the mood with a scented candle, a crock pot of cocoa (add lids to cups for little ones to avoid spills near all the presents), and plenty of pillows or floor cushions for all the people you love!

Christmas at Sweet Rose Farm and other Community Opportunities

Last holiday season, we did a beautiful drive-through event for our annual toy drive, but this year, we are back to an in-person celebration. I cannot wait to host this amazing night in December, where we collect toys to be distributed to little ones and families in need. Our celebration in the past included warm drinks, yummy food, and even a special guest himself, Saint Nicholas! We have even more special surprises in store this year, and are so excited. Please join us on December 5th, here at Sweet Rose Farm to bring your new toys to be distributed in our community, and enjoy a beautiful evening! The event will go from 4:30-6:30pm, and will feature Fat Kid Food Co food truck, as well!

Source: Pexels.com

One of the best resources to find out what is going on in our little valley is What to Do in Southern Oregon, which is an event page. It shares all the latest and greatest things for families to do, whether it’s the candy cane hunt at the Commons, or community events like the Jacksonville parade. If you are looking for ways to celebrate the season, it’s perfect!

If you’re looking for additional ways to give back this season, besides the toy drive, be sure to check out the local Salvation Army, which has many opportunities to donate to those in need. One of their biggest needs right now is non perishable food items, which you can donate to them directly or help fund the effort on their WEBSITE.

Best Southern Oregon Fall Activities

Source: Pexels.com

Source: Pexels.com

It’s the best time of year around here: the holiday season is about to kick off, and I am so excited. Here in our little corner of Oregon, we have so many fun things to do, no matter your age.  I wanted to put together a little list of the fall-related activities you can do with your family and friends:

-Pheasant Fields Farms: This is one of our yearly stops, and for good reason! I love their adorable carriage, and the delicious treats they have for sale on the grounds. Little ones will love the petting zoo and animal attractions, and it’s really affordable for the whole family. Try to plan it out, since you have to purchase tickets online ahead of time. 

-Leonard Orchards: This is the perfect fall activity, and one that you can even snag some delicious apples at in the meantime! Little ones will love climbing ladders and reaching those higher branches, and if you time it right, you can even get some pretty family photos. Leonard is open throughout the week, and their apple varieties make wonderful pies and cakes. 

-Bigham Farms: This is a newer farm locally, and they have tons of affordable things to do, like hay rides, and a corn maze! You can buy and choose your own pumpkins there, and enjoy all the things the season has to offer. It’s a little more low-key than some of the other patches, which makes it perfect if you want more of a laid-back time. 

-Baking: This is one you don’t even have to leave your house for! Set up a little baking station in your home, and invite your children to join in! Make delicious baked goods like pies, cakes, or pumpkin bread, and invite your loved ones over for a good halloween movie or two. It makes for the perfect cozy afternoon with the people you love most! 

Pumpkins, pumpkins, pumpkins!

Am I being cliche by talking about pumpkins in the fall? Yes. Am I also super excited about pumpkins? Also, yes. I love pumpkins and the fall season, and wanted to share some fun pumpkin related things today! First, the best pumpkin bread EVER, and a secret tip for making it amazing. Then, the best pumpkin decor from Target (because who doesn’t love a great trip to Target!):



Best ever pumpkin bread: I have blended together a few different recipes to make this one, but it’s loosely based on an older recipe from Once Upon A Chef. I’ve made adjustments!


2 Cups all purpose flour

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 tsp baking soda

1/2 teaspoon ground cloves

1/2 teaspoon cardamom

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon nutmeg

1 1/2 sticks of butter

1 1/2 cups sugar

15 ounces canned pumpkin from the store

2 eggs

2 tablespoons granulated sugar and 2 tablespoons cinnamon, set aside

Preheat oven to 325 degrees, and generously grease two 8 x 4 loaf pans. Combine the flour, salt, baking soda, spices, and whisk. In a large mixer, beat the butter and sugar until creamed and fluffy. Add the pumpkin. Mix everything together. Pour into the pans, and then sprinkle generously with cinnamon sugar! Bake for 65-70 minutes. Let cool and turn out onto a cutting board. 

And now, onto the cutest pumpkin decor:

Woven Pumpkin: It’s $5! Stock up on these little cuties, and put them…everywhere. I love the neutral texture and color, and the way you can blend them in for something more subtle.

Wooden Pumpkin: This one is only $10, and it’s even more gorgeous in person! Perfect for layering with some cream colored options for a pretty, simple arrangement.

Black Pumpkin: For something a little more unexpected and fun, this matte black one fits the bill. It’s just $5, and makes for a more moody, interesting display!

Front Porch Decor for Fall: 

Your front porch is one of the best ways to show off your personal style! It is often the first thing that people see when they arrive at your home, and even if you don’t have a huge porch, you can add small touches that will liven up your door. 

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Source: Pexels.com

-Buffalo print doormat: The layered doormat look is a way to add depth and texture to your entryway. They are really affordable on Amazon, and can be found at most large retailers like Target for under $30. Layer it under a regular doormat, and it can stay there all the way through the holidays with a different mat on top! 

-Lanterns: No matter your budget, you can find a gorgeous lantern for fall everywhere from West Elm to Home Goods. Look for a quality, well-made lantern that has a heavy weight and is easy to lift. Well made lanterns feature sturdy seams and real wood or metal frames, and the glass will be well-secured inside the panels. If you want to add some light without actual flames, you can find really realistic LED candles at most retailers to place inside. 

-Wreath: We love the Magnolia leaf wreath for a classic, timeless style that never will look dated. If you want something more seasonal, look for burlap details, rust and orange tones and greenery without a lot of extra fluff. Avoid bargain stores for wreaths, and look for good quality greenery so it doesn’t look cheapy. Avoid large bows or sheer ribbons if you can, because these wear out quickly, and don’t last longer than a season or two. 

-Plants: You can go with real or faux plants, and they will add a ton to your entry area. I love the look of potted mums, which are easy to take care of, and inexpensive. You can group them together in large quantities to create an impressive fall display, and even add pumpkins in for a more polished look. Costco often has them for about $15 each year, starting in late August. 

Preparing for Fall Weather

Although we have entered a wildfire season here in Southern Oregon, I am still looking forward to the beautiful and crisp fall weather that lies ahead. Getting the house ready for fall is something special that I anticipate each year. It is important to me that my family and loved ones always feel welcome in our haven, and fall lends itself perfectly to being cozy and welcoming! Here are a few ways I am getting ready to welcome the new season:



-With the unknowns that lie ahead and the uncertainty of living in a pandemic, our homes have become more important than ever! Knowing we can feel peaceful in them is something special! I start with the entry way. It’s a great time to clear dead leaves, dirt, or scuffs off your doorway/door, so you can start with a clean slate. Since it’s often one of the first things that your guests will see, it’s great to make a good impression. I usually hang a pretty wreath of greenery, and replace any worn-out doormats. Adding touches like a lantern or sign make it feel more put together.

-I then move into the inside. Like I’ve mentioned, a good deep clean really is a great idea when the seasons change, and dusting, vacuuming, and making a nice clean space is always the start of feeling inspired. I get rid of clutter, trash, or things that need to go to Goodwill, and clean before I decide on adding new decor. I also put away anything from the last season that aren’t seasonally appropriate (like spring colored pastels, or candles that aren’t fall scented), and begin rotating in new textures and items. That doesn’t always mean we have to buy new things! I think storing neutral, off season items and rotate them back in when the season changes.

-Lastly, I decide if I need or want to add anything new to my decor. Things like mirrors, candles, and throws can warm up a space without breaking the bank, and a pretty scent is very welcoming. I love the Fireside and Leaves scents from Bath and Body Works for an affordable option, but if you’re wanting something more upscale, try a brand like Voluspa or Anthropologie, and the crackling sound of Woodwick Candles.

Happy Fall!

Decorating with Vases

Vases are one of those pieces that never seem to disappear out of decor rotation. Although the materials change (wood, metal, ceramic, glass) as the styles change, there’s a reason why vases are so beloved. It’s because they are versatile, can be affordable, and are easy to find. Here are a few ways you can bring them into your decor, and use them to maximize your usable pieces, no matter the season! 



  1. Invest in good neutral pieces: I know I sound like a broken record, with my love of neutral items, but it’s my secret to stretching a decor budget a little further, and still being able to fill a space without it looking “cheap”. Clients who come to me have a wide range of budgets, from Target to Anthropologie and West Elm, and I like to be able to suit them all!

  2. Invest in a range of pieces that are high-end and budget, so you can mix and match them. You can sneak in a few Target or Amazing items, if your core pieces are beautiful and impactful. If you are looking at some more dramatic items from Anthro or another higher-end retailer, look for ones that you’ll be able to use for years, and that are well-made. Something like these large wicker style floor vases are over $300 for the pair, but they’ll work just about anywhere.

  3. Don’t be afraid to DIY: If you are a handy type, you can DIY really nice vases from Goodwill or thrifting with paint, and spackle for texture. Chalk paint works well for this project, and it’s very easy. Be sure to choose vases with good shape and structure, for the best results. When you DIY a project, you definitely want to make sure it still looks nice and not like a classroom craft! This is a great tutorial on making vases look trendy and more updated.

  4. Use them paired with other items: You know the age old adage of using items in trios still holds true. Often placing some (not all) items in your home in trios can give a balance look to places like the coffee table or the mantle. Vases are a great way to add height or greenery to a simple wall or space that needs the eye drawn upward.

  5. Find a good space to store them when not in use: If you have young children, you know vases are likely to be knocked over or bumped! If this is your season of life, consider putting your more expensive or special vases up higher or storing them until you’re out of the toddler years! It helps to have a safe place for breakable decor, like a higher shelf in the garage or home, for when it’s not in use.

Your local thrift store, decor store, or upscale home store will have vases galore! Tune back in for more tips on incorporating decor at any price point, and let me know if you’d like to schedule an appointment with us to consult on your home! 

Streaming Home Design Shows

Inspiration can come from the most unlikely places, but one of the most recent ones that has influenced some interior designers is Netflix and Hulu! There are so many streaming services available now, and so many fun interior design shows to choose from. We have chosen some really interesting ones, in the hopes to get you inspired and…who doesn’t want to enjoy a relaxing show and a glass of lemonade when the temperatures are soaring? 



-The Home Edit: Besides being a really fun look into the lives of celebs, we love this show because their concepts for organization and storage are amazing. They think creatively, are into really pretty solutions, and their style is colorful and bright. Each episode is a good length, but not too long, and the hostesses are hilarious and entertaining. 

-Tidying Up with Marie Kondo: This one is not as much a decor show as an organizing one, but we love the idea of decluttering and only bringing in pieces that bring you joy. Even if you’re not ready to get rid of the majority of your possessions, you may enjoy the calming feeling of a well-organized home (and Kondo’s overall demeanor is super calming and relaxing, which makes this a great show for winding down at night). 

-Dream Home Makeover: is the series from Studio McGee (we get all swoony over their amazing designs, home decor at Target, and their Insta page), and it’s SUPER fun to watch! Their makeovers are incredible and meticulous and filled with gorgeous neutrals (just my style). Look for all the use of textures and lines, and enjoy how cozy it feels! 

-Farmhouse Facelift: This is a great transformation show, and we love a great change to a home! Each episode focuses on restoring a historical home, and the hosts are funny and interesting. If you love the rustic, farmhouse style or historical homes, you will love this show (on Hulu). 

Making the Perfect Bed Set

Choosing the right bedding can make a huge impact in your bedroom. We love the look of beautiful, layered bedding in neutrals, so that you can easily swap out the colors and style for any changing seasons. Investing in quality items will ensure you’ll be able to use your bed set for years to come. Here are the pieces we think you need:

Source: Pexels.com

Source: Pexels.com

-A quality, all-season down comforter: If you prefer a vegan alternative, there are many polyester alternatives, but an all-season down comforter is a really great investment if you’re comfortable with feathers. Look for one called an “all-weather”, which will stay cool in the spring and warm in the winter seasons. We like the Hotel collection from Macy’s, because they are really well-made and durable through many wash cycles. Remember to follow the instructions on the tag to preserve it and keep it fluffy!

-A duvet cover or quilt: A duvet cover will keep your comforter fresh and clean, but many people opt for a quilt instead of a cover because of the ease of layering. We love the linen collection from Anthropologie, which is pricier than most, but SO beautiful. They have worn-in wrinkles, which means it looks fine without ironing. If you want a pure white, sharper style, look for Pottery Barn’s classic bedding, which is more affordable and made of cotton. 

-Shams and pillows: Look for a mix of shapes for visual interest, but try to keep them in pairs, such as two regular shams, and two euro shams (euro shams are for large, square shaped pillows) which layer so nicely and are perfect for watching tv in the evenings. 

-A throw blanket: A chunky or textured throw blanket will finish off your bed-set with a polished touch. Pretty grey or taupe is a color that will match any style or decor, and can also move seamlessly into a living room or sitting room area. We love the inexpensive versions from Target, which are under $100 and machine washable!