
Turning Summer Days into Memories

It’s no secret that I LOVE summer (see our last blog here for some top notch ideas), but as a busy mom, it can be challenging to slow down and make the most of every day during a hectic season. I have found when I am more intentional about making memories with my family, and I carve out time to be together,  things flow more smoothly. Making memories can be something that we put pressure on ourselves to do, when we should just allow time to simply be together! That’s often all our children want. Over the years, I have learned it’s less about manufactured “activities” all the time, and simply about letting my kids lead and keeping things simple. We are finding joy more and more because of this mindset shift! On our farm, we enjoy some of these simple, easy evenings when the weather gets warm:


-Long walks: Not only are these good for you, they are a great way to bond with your spouse or children. Especially since we have had a smoke-free southern oregon summer this year, walking is one of our favorite ways to spend an evening.

-Lawn movie nights: You don’t have to get too fancy with these, but you can do a projector with your favorite family flick, and add popcorn and some delicious snacks (you can find “movie theater boxes” at the dollar store, and they won’t break the bank). 


-Pond fishing and picnics: Although we have easy access to pretty spots from our personal property, there are plenty of options all over our region of Oregon that are just right for a little summer picnic! We recommend bringing along crackers, cheese, fruit, and salami for an effortless and easy meal (and no dishes!).

-Flower picking for beautiful bouquets: There is nothing sweeter than simple little flower crowns. You can make them with daisies, or little tiny clover flowers, and even bring along green floral wire if you have any. 


All images courtesy Sharon Westergard Photography