I don’t know about you, but finding the perfect candle scent is one of my favorite things in life! That perfect scent can make your home feel so cozy, and can make you think of home instantly when you smell it. When the leaves start changing, I always love to add candles to my home decor, and then when the holidays come, my living spaces smell warm and inviting. How do you find that perfect scent? Here are out best tips!
Source: Yankee Candle
Consider where you’ll be using the candle: A candle for a large living room would be quite different than one for a tiny office or bedroom. Always consider the fire hazard in small spaces, and if it seems like burning a candle might be dangerous, use an alternative such as diffuser sticks, essential oils, or plug in scent warmers. Obviously, do not burn candles in children’s rooms where they could be tipped over or forgotten. A lightly scented, very small candle will do next to nothing in a large area with vaulted ceilings, and a huge, heavily scented three wick one will overwhelm a tiny space.
Know what scents you are drawn to: Many people feb strongly about their perfume or cologne, and will often choose similar scented candles. I personally know that heavily scented vanilla candles can give me a headache if I burn it too long, but I love a lightly spiced scent like cloves and cinnamon for my house for a holiday-esque feel. Whether you choose fruity, spicy, strong, or mild, knowing what you want is very helpful.
Buy candles from reputable sources when you can: Of course, we have all picked up a great candle at TJ Maxx or a discount retailer, but what often happens is we cannot find the scent again! Sometimes, they are discounted, or even from past seasons, so they can be old and not as scented. We love Yankee Candle, Woodwick (for a crackling effect) which is perfect in the winter), and Bath and Body Works. Plus, you’ll be more likely to find the same scent over and over as you use it for lengths of time.
-Check out candles from Anthropologie: One of Anthro’s lesser known points is their fragrance lines. We love their many types and brands of perfume, but they also carry candles. We adore the Tocca line and the Volcano candle that’s pretty famous among fashion bloggers for it’s beautiful, luxury look and light fruity scent. I enjoy burning it in the kitchen or bathrooms when guests arrive, because it’s uplifting and not heavy.
-Take care of the candles you have: Don’t leave them in a hot car or outside on the porch (if you order online). Carefully trim your candles according to the instructions they come with, and don’t burn them longer than indicated on their packaging. This will increase how long they last for you, and will ensure you get the most for your money, especially for the pricy candles that you want to maximize!
It’s now just about fall here in Southern Oregon, and I can’t wait to bring out my personal candle collection to welcome in my guests and family! What’s your favorite candle scent?